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Antal poster: 20
Aktualiseret: 11. 11. 2021
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ADLO glass skylight with security glass

A security skylight with security glass will guarantee you safe living behind the glass.
The security skylight will let the light enter and will complete the door unit.
If you consider a skylight - choose ADLO security skylight.

Glass skylight with a common double-pane glass

Do you need to have more light behind the door?
Do you want to supplement the door with a skylight?
You should be careful about using a common double or triple-pane glass; something like this might happen... see video.

The customer wanted to know how resistant is his massive wooden door.

Our customer wanted to secure his apartment well and so he chose ADLO security door.
He was wondering about the resistance of his original, massive wooden door. We tested it and the result confirmed our assertion that a massive wooden door set in a wooden doorframe is actually not resistant at all. We did not even need 10 seconds to break in through this door.

Is There Such a Thing as an Unbreakable Door?

Statistics do not lie. Break-ins into apartments or family houses happen everyday. There are only two options: my door will either protect my possesions, or not.
In theory, the entrance door may be a common, regular door; aka security door; or an unbreakable door - which will really protect my property.
How do we test the unbreakability of the door? Only one choice presents itself - the toughest one. We'll use a real cannon.

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