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Glad for atbesvare dinespørgsmål omsikkerhed døreog tjenesterADLO.
Spørgsmål: I woud like to ask, if you install a new doorframe with the new door, or I can keep my old doorframe? |
Our recommendation would be a special ADLO security doorframe, which contains inner enstrengthments in all locking points, which prevent its breaking, tearing off and levering. Each special ADLO security doorframe is anchored into the wall around its entire perimeter, which ensures its firmness, stability and impossibility of levering or tearing off the whole doorframe. The surface is stoved, which also guarantees higher protection. There is also the possibility to use the original steel doorframe, using a special outer enstrengthment, which prevents its tearing and is possible in several colour shades. |
26. 10. 2004 |